Meeting Axel & Frédéric:
As with many visitors and locals to Brugge, I met Axel & Frédéric by visiting Park Restaurant for a fine meal in a truly top spot.
I can say that getting to know them through their food and care was a wonderful way to connect, a combination of Axel on service and Frédéric on the plates showing their personal character through different senses than even meeting socially may provide.
Fine taste. Generosity. A care for the honor of hosting that makes the guest feel privileged.
The food gives it away gentlemen, such a feast and a delight every time! 🙂
“The gentle art of gastronomy is a friendly one. It hurdles the language barrier, makes friends among civilized people, and warms the heart.” – Samuel Chamberlain
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Please introduce yourself in 2 paragraphs.
We are two brothers, Axel and Frédéric Bruggeman, and have been operating our business since 1989.
Park Restaurant is a stately mansion from 1849 and is located at the picturesque Astridpark. We serve traditional French-Belgian cuisine and only work with set menus. Jazzy music and dito atmosphere.
What would you never change about Brugge?
The policy regarding the listed buildings.
What would you definitely change about Brugge?
The parking policy that makes employees pay for their parking during work hours.
What is your favorite café and/or restaurant in Brugge?
Café: “Comptoir des Arts” in the Vlamingstraat
Restaurant: “Pomperlut” in the Minderbroedersstraat
Where do you see Brugge in 20 years?
I see little change unless the English people stay away and the sea level rises by two meters...
If you didn't live in Brugge, where would you live and why?
Lisbon. Why? I have been going there for years, I love the ambiance, the character of the city, the proximity to the sea, the carefree lifestyle and the good food, and I speak Portuguese.
Stel jezelf voor in 2 alinea’s (bio).
De twee broers, Axel en Frédéric Bruggeman, baten de zaak uit sinds 1989. Park Restaurant zit in een statig herenhuis uit 1849 gelegen aan het pittoreske Astridpark te Brugge. We serveren een traditionele Frans-Belgische keuken en werken enkel met menu’s. Jazzy muziek en dito sfeer.
Wat zou je nooit veranderen aan Brugge?
Het beleid met betrekking tot de geklasseerde gebouwen.
Wat zou je zeker veranderen aan Brugge?
Het parkeerbeleid waarbij werknemers moeten betalen om te komen werken.
Wat is je favoriete café en/of restaurant in Brugge?
Café : “Comptoir des Arts” in de Vlamingstraat.
Restaurant : “Pomperlut” in de Minderbroedersstraat.
Waar zie je Brugge in 20 jaar?
Ik zie weinig verandering tenzij de Engelsen wegblijven en het zeepeil met twee meter zou stijgen...

Als je niet in Brugge zou wonen, waar dan wel en waarom?
Lissabon. Waarom? Ik ga er al jaren heen, hou van de ambiance, het karakter van de stad, de nabijheid van de zee, de zorgeloze levensstijl en het lekkere eten, en ik spreek Portugees.
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